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Are you feeling tired and exhausted? Do you think you might be burning out?

You are not alone.  



The ONLINE BURNOUT CLINIC is here to help, support and accompany you on the healing road toward a new, healthy, energetic you.



"Burnout" happens in Nature too:

Fire burning away dry grass
Fresh green blades sprouting from burned ground
Golden hawk's beard (Crepis aurea) blossoming

The old burns away, allowing the new to grow and blossom with new strength.  


I would like to encourage you to see your current situation as an opportunity. Today's rapidly changing world is asking us to become more open and honest with ourselves. If you feel that your energy levels are consistently low and that you might be approaching a burnout, it is a sign that you might need to re-design your life, to take time out to heal, to find who you truly are and what makes you happy and fulfilled. You will regain your life energy like the legendary phoenix.

Based on my own experience of healing from two burnouts and drawing on my professional  education in human biology and my training as a therapist for systemic constellations and body-based trauma healing, I have developed a holistic burnout prevention and healing programme designed for self-driven, mindful and permanent recovery.


On this website, I am happy to share the outline of my programme, as well as a selection of tools which I recommend for burnout prevention and recovery. To support you in the process, I am offering mentoring, burnout prevention and healing workshops, online body work for reducing stress and supporting healing, online systemic constellations and astrological readings. I work in English, Czech, German and French.

You can also subscribe to receive my free Healing Insights newsletter.

Pleased to meet you on our common healing journey,  



Neela Winkelmann, Ph.D.

burnout healing mentor

certified systemic constellator and body-based trauma healer (CH)

Happy New Year 2025 !

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Neela Winkelmann, Ph.D.




© 2021-2025 by Neela Winkelmann, Ph.D.

Photo credits: background, fire and new life -, title page - Wikimedia commons, , all other: © 2021-2025 Neela Winkelmann, Ph.D.

Created with joy with

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